![SkyStream](Images2008/WP-thinking-thm19-skystream.jpg) Wonder if we could install 1 of those . . . 3/08
| ![Site](Images2008/WT52608THMP5260247.jpg) Let's put the Wind Turbine where Shaar is hiding behind that 2x4
| ![Dig Starts](Images2008/1 IMG_0499THM Neil begins digging.jpg) Neil starts a test hole for the foundation 6/6/08
![Michal Digs](Images2008/1 IMG_0506THM Michal has her turn digging.jpg) Michal takes a turn at the shovel 6/6/08
| ![Last shovel full](Images2008/WT61408THMIMG_0522.jpg) The (almost) last shovel full leaves the foundation excavation 6/14/08
![Leveling](Images2008/WT61408THMIMG_0528.jpg) Leveling the base for the foundation structure 6/14/08 ("Test hole" until we get the building permit)
| ![Foundation](Images2008/WT7908THMIMG_0625.jpg) 7/8/08 Building permit issued. 7/9/08 start on SMarT foundation
| ![FRP rods](Images2008/WT7908THMIMG_0629.jpg) Inserting FRP re-bar in lower stanchion (FRP is Fiber Reinforced Polymer)
![Metal rebar rings](Images2008/WT7908THMIMG_0630.jpg) Placing steel rebar over stanchion, resting on FRP
| ![Upper FRP](Images2008/WT7908THMIMG_0633.jpg) Placing FRP rebar on upper stanchion
| ![Injecting Foam](Images2008/WT7908THMIMG_0636.jpg) Injecting expanding foam to secure FRP rebar
![Anchor bolts](Images2008/WT7908THMIMG_0643.jpg) Assembly suspended from ceiling
so can place anchor bolts and
template over rebar stanchion. Upper steel rebar in place
| ![Grounding coil](Images2008/WT71008THMP7100261.jpg) Copper grounding coil in place 2-1/2" above base of Concrete
| ![Ready to move](Images2008/WT71008THMIMG_0653.jpg) Sonotube attached. Rebar rings secured to anchor bolts. Securing wires to steady base.
![Moving](Images2008/WT71008THMIMG_0657.jpg) Transporting to excavation
![Lowering](Images2008/WT71008THMIMG_0659.jpg) Lowering into place
![Lining up](Images2008/WT71008THMIMG_0663.jpg) Final check before last 2" down
![In Place](Images2008/WT71008THMIMG_0670.jpg) Re-siting on foundation blocks
| ![Ready for inspection](Images2008/WT71208THMP7120267.jpg) 7/12/08 Alligned, leveled, secured, electrical conduit in place, ready for inspection and concrete pour
| ![Ready for Mud](Images2008/WT72208THMIMG_0679.jpg) Neil, Gerald, Gene & Aaron ready for the first mud 7/22/08
![Pouring](Images2008/WT72208THMIMG_0686.jpg) Neil braces, Gene gets into his work, Gerald controls flow
| ![Pour](Images2008/WT72208THMIMG_0689.jpg) About to cover base
| ![Gene](Images2008/WT72208THMIMG_0693.jpg) Gene makes sure base is filled solid
![half full](Images2008/WT72208THMIMG_0707.jpg) About half full
![Mud](Images2008/WT72208THMIMG_0721.jpg) Insuring Mud reaches all nooks and crannies
| ![Center](Images2008/WT72208THMIMG_0740.jpg) Hand work to fill the raised center column
![Stepping stones](Images2008/WT72208THMIMG_0743.jpg) Aaron makes stepping stones with the extra mud
![Covered](Images2008/WT72208THMP7230268.jpg) Let it cure for a few weeks
| ![fOUNDATION](Images2008/WTTHMP9060002.jpg) 9/2/08-Home from vacation Foundation cured and ready for
![Trench top](Images2008/WTTHMP9090004.jpg) Hand dug trench-top 9/9/08
| ![Trench bottom](Images2008/WTTHMP9090005.jpg) Hand dug meter end
| ![Mike and Bobcat](Images2008/WTTHMP9110007.jpg) Mike starts Bobcat trench
![Mike & dog](Images2008/WTTHMP9110008.jpg) Mike trenches - one of his 3 dogs inspects
| ![Meter end](Images2008/WTTHMP9110010.jpg) Trench end - meter pole
| ![Hunt for conduit](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1728.jpg) Where-da-heck is the end of that conduit? 9/13/08
![Cable](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1736.jpg) Unrolling cable 9/15/08
| ![Cable thru](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1738.jpg) Success! Cable thru conduit in foundation
| ![Michal](Images2008/WTTHMP9200014.jpg) Trench filled in - Michal adds final touch 9/20/08
![UNLOAD](Images2008/WTHMTIMG_1744.jpg) Nested Tec-Wind tower sections
ready to be unloaded. William, Glen (truck driver), John FVFR Vol - all helping 9/22/08
| ![Sliding](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1755.jpg) Off come the tower sections
| ![Top](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1762.jpg) Separate top section unloaded the old fashioned way
![Loading](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1777.jpg) Loading heavy nested tower sections for the run uphill
| ![Strating up](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1780.jpg) Starting up the driveway
| ![Almost](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1783.jpg) 3/4 mile later all sections still on!
![Almost top](Images2008/WTTHMMG_1786.jpg) Almost to top . . .
| ![Bottom sections](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1792.jpg) Nested sections parked
| ![Top section](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1797.jpg) Top section almost there
![Stacked](Images2008/WTHMTIMG_1808.jpg) Sections un-nested & ready
for de-burring and assembly
| ![Dressing Joints](Images2008/WTTHMP9250015.jpg) De-burring joints with file 9/25/08
| ![3 SECTIONS](Images2008/WTTHMP9280019.jpg) 3 of 5 tower sections in place (sort of), ready for assembly. Oh, and the Aspen are turning. 9/28/08
![Tighten Bolts](Images2008/WTTHMPA030021.jpg) Tightening hinge base with 1st tower section temporarily
in place 10/2/08
| ![Gin Pole](Images2008/WTTHMPA030024.jpg) Assembling Gin Pole 10/2/08
| ![Lift gin pole](Images2008/WTTHMPA030030.jpg) Raising Gin Pole to vertical
![Dave Pistole](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_0050.jpg) Dave & Janice Pistole arrive just in time to help assemble
and raise the tower - THANK YOU!
| ![Atttaching snatch block](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1831.jpg) Attaching snatch block to truck "anchor" 10/4/08
| ![Pull cable](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1833.jpg) Janice & Dave prepare to pull electric cable to top
![Check Cables](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_0056.jpg) Checking lift cable
| ![Starts up](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_0059.jpg) Tower starts up
| ![Michal's view](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1844.jpg) Michal's view of lift. She held brakes on "anchor truck"
![Check allignment](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_0064.jpg) Checking bolt allignment
| ![Last pull](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_0066.jpg) Pulling the last few feet by hand
| ![We did it](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_0071.jpg) We did it - well, with the help of Janice and Michal!
![Tighten nuts](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_0073.jpg) Tighten those nuts!
| ![Up!](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1871.jpg) Voltair tower is up - waiting for arrival of turbine
| ![Grounding rods](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1880.jpg) Driving 2nd of 2 grounding rods (a grounding coil is also
in base of foundation)
![](Images2008/WTTHMPA210059.jpg) Removing nuts so tower may be lowered to attach wind turbine 10/21/08
| ![Michal](Images2008/WTTHMPA210052.jpg) Michal ready to start backing to lower tower after tower is tipped by hand
| ![Tilt by hand](Images2008/WTTHMPA210067.jpg) Lifting gin pole to tilt tower. Lowering cable attached to
![Tip?](Images2008/WTTHMPA210069.jpg) Almost to tip point. 1 more lift and strain should be on tractor cable
| ![Lowering](Images2008/WTTHMPA210072.jpg) Michal controls decent on
way down
| ![Almost](Images2008/WTTHMPA210075.jpg) Almost down on blocks
![Ready for turbine](Images2008/WTTHMPA210078.jpg) Down, braced and ready for turbine arrival
| ![Voltair](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1911.jpg) Voltair arrives! (Nice of it to snow today, eh?) 10/22/08
| ![Checking](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1915.jpg) Is that all there is? (Well, plus the blades.)
![In place](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1919.jpg) Ready to wire, test & bolt to tower
| ![Russ wires](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1921.jpg) Russ connects cable. Even checks directions!
| ![Good test](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1923.jpg) Successful "power on" test!
![Quitting time](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1924.jpg) Time to quit for the day. 22 degrees and snow.
| ![tORQUE](Images2008/WTTHMPA230081.jpg) Torque those bolts 10/23/08 (Nice left boot . . .)
| ![BLADES](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1941.jpg) Assembling wind blades to hub 10/24/08
![Torque blades](Images2008/WTTHMIMG_1949.jpg) Torque 'em!
| ![Fill didch](Images2008/WTthmPA260088.jpg) Filling last of trench after Russ finished electrical 10/26/08
| ![Rotate](Images2008/WTTHMPA270091.jpg) Rotate turbine so can attach blade assembly
![Blade assembly](Images2008/WTTHMPA270096.jpg) Blade assembly into position
| ![Align](Images2008/WTTHMPA270101.jpg)
Align with shaft
| ![Spin blades](Images2008/WTTHMPA270105.jpg) Spin blades tight onto shaft
![Nose cone](Images2008/WTTHMPA270107.jpg) Attach nose cone
| ![Yaw shield](Images2008/WTTHMPA270118.jpg) And yaw shield
| ![Up](Images2008/WTTHMPA270122.jpg) Required both tractor and truck to start tower up
![Almost](Images2008/WTTHMPA270125.jpg) Almost up-tractor only now
| ![Nuts](Images2008/WTTHMPA270127.jpg) Up! Secure those nuts!
| ![Tighten](Images2008/WTTHMPA270140.jpg) Tighten 'em
![Up](Images2008/WTTHMPA280144.jpg) Just need final inspection and 2-way meter install
![Robert](Images2008/WTTHMPA280146.jpg) Building inspector Robert-final sign off on project! 10/28/08
![GOOD TEST!](Images2008/WTTHMPB040150.jpg) Carl from electric Co. (IREA) advises WE PASSED the lock- out test! 11/4/08
![Michal](Images2008/WTTHMPB040154.jpg) Michal throws the switch -
| ![Spinning](Images2008/WTTHMPB040161.jpg) - and Voltair is generating
| The idea was 1st discussed in March, '08. We began generating some of our own electricity 11:53 am, 11/4/08!
Thanks to all who helped.