ORC works with people, the structure and the culture in organizations to help work get done better.



Or, if you want the long version:

It is the
Mission of ORC to provide client services that enhance the human input and work processes in organizations. Our Vision is that ORC provides a sound basis for helping organizations understand the human related aspects of their multiple internal and external processes – And with that understanding, organizations may improve their functioning for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Our work is based on personal experience in real organizations, dealing with real people and situations. The approach is also grounded in the practical research and organization work of others. It may include organization structure, roles and relationships, measurement tools, inter-department relationships, goals, missions, fundamental beliefs, values, organization/role boundaries, interpersonal relationships, and any other interface between the work the organization does and the people in the organization, or between the people in the organization. It may also include those who supply the organization and those who use the product of the organization. Our work may involve a single department, the entire organization and those that supply it or are clients, or anything in-between. All stakeholders may be involved.

The basic process includes agreeing the objectives and any limits for the intervention by ORC; the acquisition of appropriate data via interview, survey, review of existing records, review of previous related efforts and other sources; feedback of data and ORC observations; development of client conclusions and an action plan for any changes that evolve from the process. Throughout the intervention ORC is responsible for the process being used to obtain data and develop enhancing action plans and the client is responsible for and owns all data and conclusions. ORC does not perform the role of surrogate manager or client. ORC does not bring preconceived solutions to the table.


Some ORC Fundamental Beliefs:

  • To ignore opinions is risky, to ignore data is fatal.
  • There is a dynamic interrelationship and interdependency between work and the people doing the work.
  • The people in organizations know the organization better than any consultant can.
  • Organizations are dynamic and open systems, impacted by internal and external forces and events.
  • Two monologues do not make a dialogue.
  • Problems and opportunities both provide energy for change.
  • Those who don’t care if they have a problem don’t have a problem.
  • Education prepares one to deal with the past; the ability to observe and learn prepares one for the future.
  • Organization structure tends to be more responsive to the beliefs of those in authority than to the work to be done.
  • It is better to have the opportunity to build a bridge within organizations than to have the need to tear down a wall.
  • An organization cannot create the future by dragging the past to the present.
  • Culture change cannot be intellectualized – it must be felt and lived.
  • Change must be measurable; some is not a number, and soon is not a time.
  • With real change, things are not the same. 
  • Management is not leadership.
  • Those who deliver, earn flexibility.
  • Meetings require agendas, process management, and action plans.
  • Change is inevitable; one might as well shape it.

Some ORC Values:

  • People matter.
  • The relationship between ORC and the client is open and honest.
  • ORC honors all confidentiality agreements.
  • ORC does not impose any opinions or conclusions on the client.


(Only limited assignments and pro bono work accepted)                                                                                 November 7, 2007